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Wildflower Seeds

I love driving the Texas highways in early spring as bluebonnets and paintbrushes color the medians and shoulders. I drive by and enjoy but think little more of the flowers once my trip is complete. However, a few days ago, I was talking with a friend who extends the wildflower season.

She related how she notices patches of interesting wildflowers while they are in bloom. As the wildflowers mature, she returns and gathers some of the seeds, leaving most of the seeds to reseed just where they are. She carefully dries the seed pods and when dry, cracks open the pods to remove the seeds. In late fall, she scatters the seeds in the places she would like to see wildflowers growing. Now, as the leaves begin to turn colors and we anticipate our first freeze, her face lit up as she said, “I can’t wait to see all the pretty colors this spring!”

As I consider my lifescape, I think I need a few more wildflowers. Perhaps, I need to take time to notice the graces and blessings of the everyday.

- To enjoy the color they bring to my day.

- To remember and return to the memories as they mature. 

- To carefully gather the seeds of these blessings in prayerful remembrance. 

- To roll them gently between my fingers and expose the seeds. 

- To scatter the seeds of kindness, mercy, and love in the people and places that seem to need a little wildflower blessing. 

- To anticipate with joy the beauty of blooming when these seeds become new flowers.

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